Burn or Fire Injuries
Victims of burn or fire injuries can experience great physical and emotional suffering. Most people don’t envision being a victim of a fire or burn injury. However, according to the Center for Disease and Control, deaths from fire and burns are the third leading cause of fatal home injury. The CDC found that on average, in the 2010, someone died in a fire every 169 minutes, and someone was injured every 30 minutes. In 2009, about 85 percent of all US fire deaths occurred in homes. Each year, fire and burn injuries represent a total cost of $7.5 billion.
Groups that are significantly at risk of fire and burn injuries are children, the elderly, persons living in rural areas, and persons living in substandard housing. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, so it is recommended that extra precautions be taken during that time.
Every year, approximately 450,000 thousand burn injuries are treated in hospitals in the US. Although many burn injuries only affect the outer layer of the skin, a severe burn injury can destroy bone, muscle, and blood vessels. Burn injuries can heal or get worse over time, so it is important that victims monitor their burn injuries consistently.
If you or someone you know has experienced a severe burn injury, you should seek medical attention immediately. The doctor will conduct an evaluation and determine which treatment is appropriate for you. The next step you should take is contact a reputable personal injury attorney that has experience in burn injury cases.
The attorney will help you determine whether you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. The initial consultation is free. The laws and rules surrounding fires and burn victims vary from state to state and can be complex. You attorney will explain these legalities and guide you through the often lengthy and legal process. The primary benefit of hiring an attorney is that he or she will help you receive the compensation that you are entitled to for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. If you are a severe burn victim or someone you know is experiencing severe burn injuries, call our law firm today to speak to an experienced attorney in personal injury for a free legal consultation.